Hardware Monitor 5 54 – Hardware Monitoring Sensor Applications

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  1. In demo mode, Hardware Monitor displays temperature-sensor data only. Another window appears listing the additional sensors you'll be able to see after you register, as seen here on my Mac mini.
  2. Hardware sensors monitor utilizes sensor chips on smart motherboards to track system and CPU temperatures, voltages and cooling fans. By quickly catching an overheated computer, you can prevent.

Android sensors give applications access to a mobile device's underlyingphysical sensors. They areWhat are Android sensors?'>What are Android sensors?

First of all, we need to download additional library for easy access to our hardware variables. Open Hardware Monitor. After unpacking, we have our library: OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll. Create new project - Windows Forms Application - Right click on References in Solution Explorer - Browse - OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll and don't forget to.

Android sensors are virtual devices that provide data coming from a set ofphysical sensors: accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, barometer, humidity,pressure, light, proximity and heart rate sensors.

Not included in the list of physical devices providing data are camera,fingerprint sensor, microphone, and touch screen. These devices have their ownreporting mechanism; the separation is arbitrary, but in general, Android sensorsprovide lower bandwidth data. For example, '100hz x 3 channels' for anaccelerometer versus '25hz x 8 MP x 3 channels' for a camera or '44kHz x 1channel' for a microphone.

Android does not define how the different physical sensors are connected to the system on chip (SoC).

  • Often, sensor chips are connected to the SoC through a sensor hub, allowing some low-power monitoring and processing of the data.
  • Often, Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) or Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is used as the transport mechanism.
  • To reduce power consumption, some architectures are hierarchical, with some minimal processing being done in the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC - like motion detection on the accelerometer chip), and more is done in a microcontroller (like step detection in a sensor hub).
  • It is up to the device manufacturer to choose an architecture based on accuracy, power, price and package-size characteristics. See Sensor stack for more information.
  • Batching capabilities are an important consideration for power optimization. See Batching for more information.

Each Android sensor has a 'type' representing how the sensor behaves and what data it provides.

  • The official Android Sensor types are defined in sensors.h under the names SENSOR_TYPE_…
    • The vast majority of sensors have an official sensor type.
    • Those types are documented in the Android SDK.
    • Behavior of sensors with those types are tested in the Android Compatibility Test Suite (CTS).
  • If a manufacturer integrates a new kind of sensor on an Android device, the manufacturer can define its own temporary type to refer to it.
    • Those types are undocumented, so application developers are unlikely to use them, either because they don't know about them, or know that they are rarely present (only on some devices from this specific manufacturer).
    • They are not tested by CTS.
    • Once Android defines an official sensor type for this kind of sensor, manufacturers must stop using their own temporary type and use the official type instead. This way, the sensor will be used by more application developers.
  • The list of all sensors present on the device is reported by the HAL implementation.
    • There can be several sensors of the same type. For example, two proximity sensors or two accelerometers.
    • The vast majority of applications request only a single sensor of a given type. For example, an application requesting the default accelerometer will get the first accelerometer in the list.
    • Sensors are often defined by wake-up and non-wake-up pairs, both sensors sharing the same type, but differing by their wake-up characteristic.

Android sensors provide data as a series of sensor events.

Each event contains:

  • a handle to the sensor that generated it
  • the timestamp at which the event was detected or measured, based on SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos()
  • and some data

The interpretation of the reported data depends on the sensor type. See the sensor type definitions for details on what data is reported for each sensor type.

Existing documentation

Targeted at developers

  • Overview
  • SDK reference
  • Stack Overflow and tutorial websites
    • Because sensors documentation was sometimes lacking, developers resorted to Q&A websites like Stack Overflow to find answers.
    • Some tutorial websites exist as well, but do not cover the latest features like batching, significant motion and game rotation vectors.
    • The answers over there are not always right, and show where more documentation is needed.

Targeted at manufacturers

  • Overview
    • This Sensors page and its sub-pages.
  • Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)
    • Also known as 'sensors.h'
    • The source of truth. First document to be updated when new features are developed.
  • Android CDD (Compatibility Definition Document)
    • See sections relative to sensors.
    • The CDD is lenient, so satisfying the CDD requirements is not enough to ensure high quality sensors.

I'll show you, how to monitor some hardware variables.

  • 57 respects

Components and supplies

Arduino Leonardo
or other Arduino device or even Atmega with UART converter
LCD 16x2
Jumper wires (generic)

About this project


The idea for this project was born actually from the need of fun and knowledge. This project is easy to make and has many applications. We can use it, for example, to control, store and display some hardware variables.

Let's get started

First of all, we need to connect our LCD (I was using I2C converter) :

When we did this, we can move to the next part...

Let's write some code...

Set 16x2 LCD with address 0x3F - address of I2C bus device can be found from scanning via simple sketch available on Arduino Playground.

Now we have to declare a Stringvariable to store our Serial input and setup rest of stuff.

If we would like to send data directly by a string variable it could be problematic, because of about one-second latency based on string size. To avoid this use charvariable and add it to our inData.

Ok, everything's fine but when receiving data stop coming? There is solution:

When last of char will be * Arduino will know when to proceed next part, Now we have to handle our message. We need to get rid of this *char so:

And finally:

But... We have second line unused... Here is the solution

When last of char will be # Arduino will set the second line of our LCD and print other data.


Why C#, not C or C++ ? C# is easy and fast (fast... I mean in writing)

First of all, we need to download additional library for easy access to our hardware variables.

After unpacking, we have our library: OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll

Create new project -> Windows Forms Application -> Right click on References in Solution Explorer -> Browse -> OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll and don't forget to check it.


Prepare our form:

Now code...

Some directives...

And declarations...

c is Open Hardware Monitor object. We have to enable CPU and GPU. In Form Load event put this:

In form constructor:


and then, anywhere:

Simple... Initialize declared variables, scan for open ports and add it to the comboBox1

Now major function to store and send variables:

Don't forget to add Status()function to timer tick event.

Now connect button:

We're checking if a port is already open, if not setting timer interval from comboBox2 and run everything up!

Disconnect button:

Write last data to Arduino to said that we're done.

You can add some functions like for e.g. hide to tray etc. (Full code below)

Hardware Monitor 5 54 – Hardware Monitoring Sensor Applications

Program has to be run with administrator privileges!




  • 1 project

Published on

February 2, 2017
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